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Regular Parkour Enthusiast
Everyone is a beautiful and unique snowflake in one way or another but as a general rule all parkour enthusiasts are pretty much the same as this guy. Possibly. If they're not, they wish they were. This guy is awesome.
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This dude is definitely a BOSS and demonstrates his powers by making an awesome foul ball catch with one hand while holding his daughter in the other. Just another day.
Comments: 2
It’s surprising the guy’s still got a girlfriend after pulling a prank like this. In an elaborate trick, this guy builds a ghost puppet that comes out of the TV and scares the crap out of his other half.
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Kind of an odd video, this one. Wanton destruction is awesome, and so is anthropomorphism, but it takes some kind of genius to combine the two like this. This is the most awesome demolition vid you'll see today.
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Kelly Ripa is an American talkshow host who co-fronts morning TV show “Kelly and Michael”, they were having a discussion about the iPhone 6 Plus. But Ripa wanted to see how big exactly 5.5 inches really was.
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Watch closely the creepy looking blonde-haired kid, and look where he points to - that's right, his flux capacitor. WTF? indeed?
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Holy Darwin, what the hell is going on here? He's just letting you know there's nowhere you can hide. Your leg will be humped! Now lets see him get down again :)
Comments: 103
Now this is kinda strange, i'm not sure who is imitating who here? Obvioulsy a baby will crawl, but the dogs behind it are doing it so well that you can only think they have an alterior motive in mind. Weird.
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As a last man’s dying wish goes, this guy just doesn’t know when to stop. Looking after your son is one thing but living out your sexual fantasies is just a step too far.
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This guy freaks out over being recorded at work, yelling "Don't record me!" Seriously? It can't be that big a secret that you work there. Maybe it's because he doesn't wanna be seen on TV without any achievement stars?
Comments: 4
A stupid ending to a stupid idea.. FAIL-FAIL-FAIL!!!
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